HomeAut project
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HomeAut is a simple demo and "Hardware tester" software, which written in C by Vizi Gábor.
Recommended IDE is the Atollic TrueSTUDIO 6.0, but you can use newer or an other IDE.
How to use it?
- Download binaries to your Device
- If you have source code (project) and an IDE, you can compile and Run/Debug your code on the device
- Start run / Reset device.
- Connect Device to UART-USB converter or other serial converter
- Connect device UART pins to USB-UART converter (Do not forget the swap: TX-RX):
- Plug in the UART-USB converter
- Start serial terminal
- Connect Terminal to Serial COM port, with 9600 baudrate, and 8N1 configs
- Type "help" and press enter (send with '\r' or '\n' or together '\r\n')
- Now, you set "help" command and available commands printed out on terminal
- Enjoy it
Common HW functions
- If you need help, type on terminal:
- If you can't use a command, type this:
For common IO-s:
- Send IO pin initialization command:
ioinit <port><pin> <input/output>
- Send read / write command:
- Read pin:
- Write pin:
ioout <port><pin> <set/reset>
For ADC-s (Analog-Digital Converter):
- Send command, and you received the last Analog states (voltages):
- If you want periodical ADC reading:
- milliSec: is the time of period (in millisecond)
- pin: is the num of pin (1-2-3)
- Example:
- Read adc values time of 1 second (1000 millisecond)
For DAC-s (Digital-Analog Converter):
- Note
- Not available in all STM32F4xx!
- Send:
dac <1/2> <voltage with decimal point>
- Example:
- 1. = A4 pin
- 2. = A5 pin
LED functions:
- Command:
led <1/2/3> <on/off/toggle/status>
- Example:
- Example:
- LED statuses will printed out on Terminal
- Example:
How development?
- First, find Vizi Gábor
- Check C language(embedded) tutorials
- Read and check Atollic tutorials
- Download or request HomeAut embedded codes / project
- Develop it, write codes
- Compile
- Debug / Program your device
- Enjoy it
- Author
- Vizi Gábor